Session Details


Wed. Mar 6, 2024 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM JST
Wed. Mar 6, 2024 12:30 AM - 2:00 AM UTC
School of Integrated Arts and Sciences K101(HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY Higashi-Hiroshima campus)

[C-13-01]The improvement of device performance of vertical polyimide capacitive-type humidity sensors by CNT gas permeable electrodes and hydrophobic underlayer for stable, ultra-fast response

○Eiji Itoh1, Jotaro Iguchi1, Aruga Yasuhiro1 (1. Shinshu University)
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[C-13-02]Effect of precursor thread on the fabrication of conductive thread artificial muscle

○Kazuya Tada1 (1. Univ. Hyogo)
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[C-13-03]Fabrication of Near-Infrared Surface Plasmon Enhanced Organic Thin Film Solar Cells

○Akira Baba1, Sachiko Jonai1, Kazunari Shinbo1, Keizo Kato1 (1. Niigata University)
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[C-13-04]In-situ observation of polar orientational ordering during rubbing of PMDA-ODA polyimide by using optical second-harmonic generation

○Mahato Maeda1, Dai Taguchi1, Takaaki Manaka1 (1. Tokyo Institute of Technology)
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[C-13-05]Evaluating temperature-dependent equivalent circuit parameters of triboelectric generators using permanent dipoles in P(VDF-TrFE)

○Yusuke Okamoto1, Dai Taguchi1, Takaaki Manaka1 (1. Tokyo Institute of Technology)
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[C-13-06]Improvement of Narrow-Band Emission in Insulated AC-Driven Organic Light-Emitting Devices with Semiconductor Mirror Incorporating Conductive Polymer PEDOT:PSS

○Yuto Takayama1, Hirotake Kajii1, Masahiko Koudow1 (1. Osaka Univ)
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