Session Details

[B-10B]光通信システム B

Wed. Mar 6, 2024 9:15 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Wed. Mar 6, 2024 12:15 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
School of Integrated Arts and Sciences K109(HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY Higashi-Hiroshima campus)
Chair:TATSUNORI OMIYA, Sano Akihide

[B-10B-01]FSO-Assisted Non-Terrestrial Backhaul Networks

○Hoang Le1, Tinh Nguyen1, Anh Pham1 (1. The University of Aizu)
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[B-10B-02]Cost/bit Minimizing Condition of Submarine Cable Systems Using Un-Coupled Multicore Fibers

○Yusuke Shimomura1, Kohei Hosokawa1 (1. NEC)
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[B-10B-03]Characteristic Evaluation of High-Efficient Multicore Pump Combiner

◎Kosuke Komatsu1, Seiya Sumita1, Shohei Beppu1, Daiki Soma1, Yuta Wakayama1 (1. KDDI Research, Inc.)
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[B-10B-04]Delay Bounded Optical Communication Network Based on Precision Time Synchronization

○Tsuguo Hattori1, Nobuyasu Shiga2, Satoshi Yasuda2, Ken-ichi Takizawa2, Takatomo Mihana1, Ryoichi Horisaki1, Makoto Naruse1 (1. The Univ. of Tokyo, 2. National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
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[B-10B-05]Improvement of Transmission Speed between SerDes Logic for VIC in FPGA and Computer

○Tokio Yukiya1 (1. Tokyo Polytechnic University)
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Break time

[B-10B-06]Performance comparison between injection-locking heterodyne detection and self-heterodyne detection in fully coherent optical and wireless transmission for optical mobile fronthaul at 28 GHz band

○Koichi Shirahata1,2, Keisuke Kasai1, Masato Yoshida1, Toshihiko Hirooka1, Masataka Nakazawa3, Uichiro Azuma4, Toshiyuki Kobayashi4 (1. Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku Univ., 2. Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku Univ., 3. International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku Univ., 4. Nihon Dengyo Kosaku)
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[B-10B-07]An Experiment of Bidirectional 5 Channels Transmission by Intermediate-Frequency-over-Fiber

○sojiro masada1, Jyunya Nishioka1, Takatoshi Akamatsu1, Hiroshi Miura1, Keita Mochizuki1 (1. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
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[B-10B-08]A Study on Bundled MIMO Signals Transmission by Intermediate Frequency over Fiber

○Junya Nishioka1, Takatoshi Akamatsu1, Sojiro Masada1, Keita Mochizuki1 (1. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
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[B-10B-09]Study on the application of several mode fibers to optical fiber wireless transmission - Changes in the multiplexing/demultiplexing characteristics depending on the polarization incident on the mode multiplexer -

○YuXuan Mei1, Taiki Takeshima1, Joji Maeda1 (1. Tokyo University of Science)
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[B-10B-10]Mode division multiplexed coherent optical transmission in time domain by using higher-order Hermite-Gaussian pulses

○Masataka Nakazawa1, Masato Yoshida1, Toshihiko Hirooka1 (1. Tohoku Univ.)
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