Session Details

[B-5B]無線通信システム B

Fri. Mar 8, 2024 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM JST
Fri. Mar 8, 2024 12:00 AM - 3:15 AM UTC
School of Engineering 108(HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY Higashi-Hiroshima campus)
Chair:NOBORU OSAWA, Ishibashi Kouji

[B-5B-37]A Study of Internal Defect Rate for Defect Detection of Large Structures

○Takamasa Yoshida1, Fumiaki Nagase1, Tatsuya Nakatani1, Toshifumi Miyagi1 (1. NTT Access Network Service Systems Laboratories, NTT Corporation)
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[B-5B-38]Stabilizing the Operation of Energy-Saving Lighting Systems Using Beat Sensors by Multiplexing Sensor Nodes and Communication Paths

○Yuki Ogawa1, Koichiro Ishibashi1, Koichi Adachi1 (1. UEC)
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[B-5B-39]A Method of Measurement on the Problem of False Detection of Radar Waves in Wireless LAN

○Akihiro Amagai1, Fumiko Ohori1, Satoko Itaya1, Takeshi Matsumura1 (1. NICT)
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[B-5B-40]Experimental Evaluation of Indoor Object Detection Performance Using CSI in Wireless LAN Systems (2)

○Junsuke Izumi1, Shunsuke Simizu1, Osamu Muta1, Tomoki Murakami2, Shinya Otsuki2 (1. Kyushu Univ., 2. NTT)
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[B-5B-41]A Study on Measurement Method to Improve the Accuracy of Direction of Arrival using Radio Sensor

○Ryutaro Ohmoto1 (1. Nihon Dengyo Kosaku Co., Ltd.)
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[B-5B-42]Boolean Compressed Sensing with Cluster Sparsity for Anomaly Detection in Large-Scale Sensor Network

○Masaki Arai1, Kabuto Arai1, Koji Ishibashi1 (1. The University of Electro-Communications)
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Break time

[B-5B-43]Throughput Evaluation by Distance between Access Points in Dense Wireless LAN Environment

○Sayaka Sumida1, Hideya So1, Kotaro Nagano2, Hanae Otani2, Abeysekera Hirantha2, Yusuke Asai2 (1. Shonan Institute of Technology, 2. NTT Corporation)
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[B-5B-44]A Study on Cross-Layer Multi-Link Transmission Control Method

○Toru Osuga1, Fumiko Ohori1, Satoko Itaya1, Takeshi Matsumura1 (1. National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
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[B-5B-45]A Study on the Frequency Channel Control for WLAN Systems
Using Virtual Dedicated Channel Scheme

○Yusuke Hirano1, Shinichi Miyamoto1 (1. Wakayama University)
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[B-5B-46]Throughput evaluation by estimating the number of effective interfering stations in a tight-lattice environment

○Daiki Iijima1, Hayato Soya1, Hideya So2 (1. Suwa Univercity of Science, 2. Shonan Institute of Technology)
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[B-5B-47]A Study on Low Delay of Aperiodic Packets by Controlling Wireless Frame Time Length

○Kotaro Nagano1, Hirantha Abeysekera1, Akira Kishida1, Yusuke Asai1, Yasushi Takatori1, Hideya So2 (1. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, 2. Shonan Institute of Technology)
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[B-5B-48]Symbolic Calculation of 2x2 MIMO Beamforming Feedback

○Koji Yamamoto1 (1. KIT)
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