Session Details

[MEET2]Micro/NanoDisplays and Nanotechnology Applications (1)

Wed. Dec 4, 2024 2:50 PM - 4:10 PM JST
Wed. Dec 4, 2024 5:50 AM - 7:10 AM UTC
Mid-sized Hall A
Chair: Qun Yan (Fuzhou University)
Co-Chair: Francois Templier (CEA-LETI)

[1(Invited)]Non-Display Applications and Architectures for MicroLED Systems(20 min.)

*Ioannis Kymissis1, Vikrant Kumar1, Keith Beherman1 (1. Columbia University (United States of America))

[2(Invited)]Submicron Narrow-Band Phosphors in Luminescent Color Filters and Next-Generation MiniLED and MicroLED Displays(20 min.)

*James E Murphy1, Derrick Brewer1, Samuel Camardello1, Zeying Chen1, Daniel DePuccio1, Felippe Pavinatto1, James Presley1, Anant Setlur1, Oltea Siclovan1, Aharon Yakimov1, Jie Yue1 (1. GE (United States of America))

[3(Invited)]Investigation of Red Micro-LED Efficiency Improvement by Various Passivations(20 min.)

Mengyuan Zhanghu1, Byung-Ryool Hyun1, Ke Zhang2, *Zhaojun Liu1,2 (1. Southern University of Science and Technology (China), 2. Sitan Semiconductor International Co. Limited (Hong Kong))

[4(Invited)]Simultaneous Transfer and Bonding (SITRAB) Technology for MicroLED Display Fabrication(20 min.)

*Jungho Shin1, Jiho Joo1, Gwang-Mun Choi1, Chanmi Lee1, Ki-seok Jang1, Jin-hyuk Oh1, Ji-Eun Jung1, Ga-Eun Lee1, Seong-Cheol Kim1, Yong-Sung Eom1, Kwang-Seong Choi1 (1. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (Korea))