Session Details

[MEET6]Micro/NanoDisplays and Nanotechnology Applications (5)

Thu. Dec 5, 2024 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM JST
Thu. Dec 5, 2024 4:30 AM - 5:50 AM UTC
Conference Hall
Chair: James Murphy (GE Research)
Co-Chair: Seung-Woo Lee (Kyung Hee University)

[1(Invited)]Recent Progress in The Colloidal-Quantum-Dot-Based Color Conversion Layer Better Than 3000 Pixel-Per-Inch(20 min.)

*Chien-Chung Lin1,2, Kai-Ling Liang2, Wei-Hung Kuo2, Ting-Jhih Kuo1, Chien-Yu Lu1, Yen-Hsiang Fang2 (1. National Taiwan University (Taiwan), 2. Industrial Technology Research Institute (Taiwan))

[2(Invited)]High-Throughput MicroLED Wafer Inspection: Challenges and Solutions(20 min.)

*David Lewis1, Ori Dadoosh1, Noam Shapiro1 (1. InZiv (Israel))

[3(Invited)]Adoption of the Semiconductors Industry Best Known Methods to Enhance the Yield of Micro-LED Fabrication(20 min.)

*Makarem Hussein1 (1. LuxNour Technologies (United States of America))

[4(Invited)]Is AR the Future of MicroLED?(20 min.)

*Raphael Mermet-Lyaudoz1, Eric Virey1, Zine Bouhamri1 (1. Yole Group (France))