Session Details

Recent topics related to the manufacture of high tensile steel

Thu. Mar 14, 2024 1:00 PM - 3:45 PM JST
Thu. Mar 14, 2024 4:00 AM - 6:45 AM UTC
Room6 (Lecture Hall Bldg. 3F 307)
松原行宏 [JFE]、柳田明 [東京電機大]

[D12]An online rolling model for plate mill considering Nb precipitation effect

Otsuka Takayuki1, Sakamoto Masashi1, Higashida Yasuhiro2 (1.Nippon Steel, 2.NSRI)

[D13]Effects on remaining oxide of joining conditions in sheet bar joining by induction heating

Okazaki Toshiro, Ueno Masayasu, Miyake Masaru, Kijima Hideo (JFE)

[D14]Controlled rolling to manufacture high-strength manganese steels

Yanagimoto Jun, Taylor Thomas James (The Univ. of Tokyo)

[D15]Development of on-line forward slip ratio models on the tandem cold strip mill

Fujii Yasuyuki1, Utsunomiya Hiroshi2, Maeda Yasushi1, Koizumi Shigeto1 (1.Kobe Steel, 2.The Univ. of Osaka)

[D16]The trend of a flattening facility for high strength material

Kumagai Ryuta (JP Steel Plantech)