Session Details


Wed. Mar 13, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM JST
Wed. Mar 13, 2024 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM UTC
Room1 (Lecture Hall Bldg. 3F 305)
安楽太介 [三菱ケミカル]

[1]Development of ironmaking raw material production technology suitable for reducing CO2 emissions

Yamamoto Tetsuya (JFE)

[2]Mechanism and countermeasure for adhesion of fero-coke materials

Hiroike Shoichiro, Imanishi Daisuke, Sasaki Yusuke, Koshihara Takahiro, Ishida Kyohei, Nagayama Mikiya (JFE)

[3]Determination of porous microstructure of metallurgical coke using X-ray CT

Watanabe Masahiko1, Kubota Yukihiro1, Ooi Jin Y.2, Karatza Zeynep3 (1.Nippon Steel, 2.Univ. of Edinburgh, 3.National Technical Univ. of Athens)