Session Details

Cutting and surface

Fri. Mar 15, 2024 2:20 PM - 4:00 PM JST
Fri. Mar 15, 2024 5:20 AM - 7:00 AM UTC
Room6 (Lecture Hall Bldg. 3F 307)
生田明彦 [近大]

[103]Influence of heat treatment on tool wear of high-carbon steel (S55C)

Mineta Rinako, Sawa Takekazu (Shibaura Inst. of Tech.)

[104]Influence of mill scale on tool wear of heat treated high-carbon steel (S55C)

Ohnishi Hiroaki, Sawa Takekazu (Shibaura Inst. of Tech.)

[105]Effect of tools on cutting behavior and surface microstructure in turning Ti–6Al–4V at cutting speeds of 120–310m/min

Ishitaka Kanji, Funase Shinichi, Ueda Takashi, Hosokawa Akira, Tomizawa Atsushi, Park Hyung-Won (Komatsu Univ.)

[106]Performance and film structure of developed organic-inorganic type chromate-free treatment

Ueda Kohei, Tohshin kunihiko, Morishita Atsushi, Tomiyasu Ken, Shoji Hiromasa (Nippon Steel)

[107]Influence of shot ejection pressure on hot shot peening effect

Miyake Taiki, Takemura Akihiro (Okayama Univ. of Science)