Session Details

Recent advances in analytical techniques for metallic cultural heritage studies -Mainly focusing on the use of synchrotron radiation, neutron, and muon-

Thu. Mar 14, 2024 10:30 AM - 5:20 PM JST
Thu. Mar 14, 2024 1:30 AM - 8:20 AM UTC
Room14 (Lecture Hall Bldg. 4F 404)
M. Tanaka [Tokyo Univ. of the Arts], K. Nagata [Tokyo Tech.], J. Kawai [Kyoto Univ.], Y. Matsui [KOBELCO Research Institute], K. Ninomiya [Osaka Univ.], R. van Langh [Rijksmuseum], K. Sato [JFE Tecno-Research Corporation]

[Int.-1]Principles and progress of muonic X-ray analysis

Sato Akira (Osaka Univ.)

[Int.-2]Non-destructive depth-profiling elemental analysis for a bulk sample including chemical state information using muon beam

Ninomiya Kazuhiko (Osaka Univ.)

[Int.-3]Material history and the study of historic bronze sculptures and the contribution of research at the laboratory and large scale facilities

van Langh Robert (Rijksmuseum)

[Int.-4]History and advances of chemical analysis techniques used for cultural properties

Watanabe Hiroko, Suehiro Masayoshi, Sakoda Akito, Matsumoto Masamitsu, Nishi Takayuki (Nippon Steel Technology)

[Int.-5]Microstructures and corrosion properties of japan-specific nails "Wakugi" used in wooden buildings in the early modern period

Suehiro Masayoshi, Watanabe Hiroko, Sakoda Akito, Matsumoto Masamitsu, Nishi Takayuki (Nippon Steel Technology)

[Int.-6]Engineering science and art on the origin of high quality iron (so-called Tamahagane) from pre-modern in JAPAN

Matsui Yoshiyuki, inui Michiharu, oishi Satoshi, hiraga Chieko, wakabayashi Takumi, Kono Kenji (Kobelco Research Inst.)

[Int.-7]Why does tamahagane exhibit beautiful colours? -Electron microscopes unveil the microstructure-

Sato Kaoru, Shibuya Kazunari (JFE Techno-Research)

[Int.-8]Milli-Watt XRF (X-Ray fluorescence) spectrometer for cultural heritage

Kawai Jun1, Imashuku Susumu2 (1.Kyoto Univ., 2.Tohoku Univ.)

[Int.-9]Current status of high-energy X-ray micro-imaging at SPring-8

Hoshino Masato, Uesugi Kentaro (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)

[Int.-10]Non-destructive analysis of ancient cast metals using synchrotron X-ray radiography and computed tomography

Tanaka Manako1, Hoshino Masato2, Mizutani Yoshiki3, Harada Kazutoshi4 (1.Tokyo Univ. of the Arts, 2.Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute, 3.Gifu Prefectural Government, 4.Fukuyama Museum of Art)

[Int.-11]Smart*light: Bringing the synchrotron to the museum

Alfeld Matthias, Dik Joris (Delft Univ. of Tech.)