Session Details

Local plasticity and associated deformation/fracture resistance in martensitic steels

Sun. Mar 9, 2025 10:15 AM - 5:05 PM JST
Sun. Mar 9, 2025 1:15 AM - 8:05 AM UTC
Room9(Bldg.1 2F 210)
小山元道 [東北大]、北條智彦 [東北学院大]

[D35]Relationship between heterogeneity of deformation behavior and local hardness in martensitic steels

Shoichi Nambu (The Univ. of Tokyo)

[D36]Effect of Cu on ductility in tempered martensitic steel sheet -part1-

Junya Tobata, Yoshiyasu Kawasaki, Kazuki Matsubara, naoki Yamaguchi, Yasunobu Nagataki (JFE)

[D37]Effect of Cu on ductility in tempered martensitic steel sheet -Part 2-

Yoshiyasu Kawasaki, Junya Tobata, Naoki Yamaguchi, Kazuki Matsubara, Yasunobu Nagataki (JFE)

[D38]Effect of Cu addition on fatigue properties of tempered martensitic steel

Naoki Yamaguchi, Junya Tobata, Kazuki Matsubara, Yoshiyasu Kawasaki, Yasunobu Nagataki (JFE)

[D39]Dependence of habit plane orientation on fatigue strength in low carbon martensitic steel

Takahiro Chiba, Mamoru Hayakawa (Nippon Steel)

[D40]Hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of martensitic steel corresponding to local plastic relaxation ability at prior austenite grain boundaries

Kazuho Okada1, Akinobu Shibata1, Myeong-heom Park2, Kaneaki Tsuzaki1 (1.NIMS, 2.Kyoto Univ.)

[D41]Controlling lattice defects and substructures for reduction in hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility in high-strength steel

Kei Saito, Kenichi Takai (Sophia Univ.)

[D42]Analysis of hydrogen embrittlement mechanism of tempered martensitic steel by atmospheric corrosion

Makoto Kawamori (Kobe Steel)

[D43]Effect of shape factors on hydrogen embrittlement evaluation using a notched plate tensile test

Tomohiko Omura, Kenji Kobayashi (Nippon Steel)