General Presentation(11:30 AM - 12:30 PM JST)High-P ore utilization昆竜矢 [九大]High Temperature ProcessesOpenClose
Discussion Sessions(10:00 AM - 11:40 AM JST)Advances in evaluation of thermophysical properties for oxide melts and glasses助永壮平 [東北大]、遠藤理恵 [芝浦工大]High Temperature ProcessesOpenClose
General Presentation(9:00 AM - 10:20 AM JST)Transport phenomena and high temperature reaction fundamentals久志本惇史 [日本製鉄]High Temperature ProcessesOpenClose
General Presentation(10:35 AM - 11:35 AM JST)Electromagnetic processing of materials塚口友一 [日本製鉄]High Temperature ProcessesOpenClose
General Presentation(1:00 PM - 2:40 PM JST)Refining process and refractories岳野洸一郎 [神鋼]High Temperature ProcessesOpenClose
International Organized Sessions(1:00 PM - 4:20 PM JST)Advanced measurement and analysis methods using quantum beams and their application to cultural heritage research: Current situation and future prospects in AsiaM. Sakurai [Otani Seiun], K. Ninomiya [Hiroshima Univ.]International Organized SessionsOpenClose
Symposium(9:00 AM - 12:00 PM JST)Development of green technology in surface treatment for high performance and corrosion resistance of steels II多田英司[科学大]、土井康太郎[NIMS]OpenClose
General Presentation(9:00 AM - 10:40 AM JST)Instrumentation 1今野雄介 [日本製鉄]Instrumentation, Control and System EngineeringOpenClose
General Presentation(11:00 AM - 12:00 PM JST)Instrumentation 2芦田強 [神鋼]Instrumentation, Control and System EngineeringOpenClose
Discussion Sessions(9:00 AM - 11:50 AM JST)To solve problems of hot rolling rolls and visualization of roll interface phenomena柳田明 [東京電機大]、上島伸文 [東北大]Processing for Quality ProductsOpenClose
General Presentation(1:00 PM - 2:20 PM JST)Deformation柳本潤 [東大]Processing for Quality ProductsOpenClose
Symposium(8:50 AM - 12:45 PM JST)Quantification approaches of material structure factors and their applications to estimate material properties尾﨑由紀子[九大]OpenClose
General Presentation(9:00 AM - 10:40 AM JST)Phase transformation and microstructural control中田伸生 [科学大]Microstructure and Properties of MaterialsOpenClose
General Presentation(10:50 AM - 12:10 PM JST)Diffusion and diffusionless transformation張咏杰 [東北大]Microstructure and Properties of MaterialsOpenClose
General Presentation(1:30 PM - 2:50 PM JST)Grain boundary, Segregation増村拓朗 [九大]Microstructure and Properties of MaterialsOpenClose
General Presentation(8:50 AM - 10:10 AM JST)Hydrogen embrittlement 3松原和輝 [JFE]Microstructure and Properties of MaterialsOpenClose
General Presentation(10:30 AM - 11:50 AM JST)Hydrogen embrittlement 4河盛誠 [神鋼]Microstructure and Properties of MaterialsOpenClose
General Presentation(12:50 PM - 2:30 PM JST)Hydrogen embrittlement 5高井健一 [上智大]Microstructure and Properties of MaterialsOpenClose
General Presentation(2:40 PM - 4:00 PM JST)Hydrogen embrittlement 6富松宏太 [日本製鉄]Microstructure and Properties of MaterialsOpenClose
General Presentation(10:00 AM - 11:40 AM JST)Fatigue小山元道 [東北大]Microstructure and Properties of MaterialsOpenClose
General Presentation(1:00 PM - 2:20 PM JST)Toughness名古秀徳 [神鋼]Microstructure and Properties of MaterialsOpenClose
General Presentation(9:00 AM - 10:20 AM JST)Strength and deformation behavior 1上路林太郎 [物材機構]Microstructure and Properties of MaterialsOpenClose
General Presentation(10:40 AM - 12:00 PM JST)Strength and deformation behavior 2古賀紀光 [金沢大]Microstructure and Properties of MaterialsOpenClose
General Presentation(1:00 PM - 2:20 PM JST)Strength and deformation behavior 3南部将一 [東大]Microstructure and Properties of MaterialsOpenClose
General Presentation(9:00 AM - 10:00 AM JST)Electrical steel山口広 [JFE]Microstructure and Properties of MaterialsOpenClose
General Presentation(10:20 AM - 11:40 AM JST)Recrystallization and texture髙城重宏 [JFE]Microstructure and Properties of MaterialsOpenClose
Symposium(9:00 AM - 4:00 PM JST)Structure analysis for iron and steels -Combined use of real and reciprocal space大沼正人[北大]OpenClose