Session Details

[3S02a]A new dimension of life emerging from sulfur research

Fri. Nov 8, 2024 1:35 PM - 3:35 PM JST
Fri. Nov 8, 2024 4:35 AM - 6:35 AM UTC
Organizers:Hozumi Motohashi(Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine / Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University), Takaaki Akaike(Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine)
Sponsored by:Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) Sulfur Biology

[3S02a-01]Physiological roles of CARS-dependent supersulfide production

Shohei Murakami1, Ryutaro Komori1, Seiryo Ogaka2, Masanobu Morita2, Takaki Akaike2, Hozumi Motohashi1 (1.Department of Medical Biochemistry, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, 2.Department of Environmental Medicine and Molecular Toxicology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine)
キーテクノロジー:Flow cytometry

[3S02a-02]Octosulfur (S8) is a reservoir for supersulfides in mammals, which enables protection against lipid peroxidation

Uladzimir Barayeu1,2, Tsuyoshi Takata1, Tetsuro Matsunaga1, Seiryo Ogata1, Yuka Unno1, Mike Lange3, Minkyung Jung1, Jun Yoshitake1, Masanobu Morita1, James A. Olzmann3, Hozumi Motohashi4, Takaaki Akaike1 (1.Department of Environmental Medicine and Molecular Toxicology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, 2.Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, 3.Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, 4.Department of Medical Biochemistry, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine)
キーテクノロジー:mass spectroscopy

[3S02a-03]X-ray and Cryo-EM structures of the SUF system involved in de novo iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis

Kei Wada1,2, Yoshikazu Tanaka3 (1.Department of Medical Sciences, University of Miyazaki, 2.Frontier Science Research Center, University of Miyazaki, 3.Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University)
キーテクノロジー:Synchrotron radiation & cryoEM

[3S02a-04]Exploring the pathways of sulfur modification in mitochondrial tRNAs

Haruna Tani1, Raja Ahmad Raja Norazireen1, Longteng Zhang1, Keitaro Umezawa2, Akiyuki Nishimura3, Motohiro Nishida3,4, Shungo Adachi5, Yuhei Araiso6, Fan-Yan Wei1 (1.Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, 2.Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology, 3.National Institute for Physiological Sciences, 4.Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University, 5.National Cancer Center Research Institute, 6.Graduate School of Medical Science, Kanazawa University)
キーテクノロジー:RNA modification analysis

[3S02a-05]Supersulfide catabolism underlies cardiac vulnerability to ischemic stress

Akiyuki N. Nishimura1, Xiaokang T. Tang1, Yuri T. Kato2, Tomoya I. Ito2, Motohiro N. Nishida1,2 (1.Division of Cardiocirculatory Signaling, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, 2.Department of Physiology, Graduate school of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University)
キーテクノロジー:Supersulfide imaging

[3S02a-06]Identification of Druggable and Redox Vulnerabilities in Cancer

Liron Barpeled (Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School)
キーテクノロジー:CRISPR Screen