Presentation Information


*Makoto Ozaki1, Tomomi Nakade1, Mayu Sekiguchi2, Motoshi Shimotsuma1, Takahiro Kawase3, Ai Tsuji4, Takefumi Kuranaga5, Hideaki Kakeya5, Shozo Tomonaga2, Tsunehisa Hirose1 (1. Nacalai Tesque, Inc., 2. Division of Applied Biosciences, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, 3. Kyoto Institute of Nutrition and Pathology, Inc., 4. Department of Health and Nutrition, Faculty of Health and Science, Nagoya Women’s University, 5. Department of System Chemotherapy and Molecular Sciences, Division of Medicinal Frontier Sciences, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University)

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