Presentation Information

[19a-A307-7]Evaluation system for TlBr pixel detector

〇Hidenori Toyokawa1, Keitaro Hitomi2, Mitsuhiro Nogami2, Toshiyuki Onodera3, Hirokazu Ikeda4, Shin Kubo2,5, Atsushi Suenaga6, Hideaki Onabe7 (1.JASRI, 2.Tohoku Univ., 3.Tohoku Inst. of Tech., 4.JAXA, 5.Clear Pulse, 6.Howa Sangyo, 7.Raytech)


semiconductor,pixel detector,TlBr

The hybrid semiconductor pixel detector has the advantage that the sensor part and the readout integrated circuit can be independently developed for specific applications. We are developing TlBr pixel detectors by using the technology of the WERPAD detector with CdTe sensors. In this research, we developed a new evaluation board that can replace the sensor part with a socket method. In this talk, we report the current status of TlBr pixel detector development using the implementation evaluation system.