Presentation Information
[19a-B203-4]Improvement of mid-infrared transmittance by Au film deposition on top of a CdZnTe moth-eye structure
〇(M1)Ryota Kakihara1, Taiki Eda1, Yoshinori Shohmitsu3, Toshihiro Nakaoka1, Takehiko Wada4, Toyoaki Suzuki2, Takao Nakagawa2 (1.Sophia Univ., 2.ISAS/JAXA, 3.KEK QUP, 4.NAOJ)
moth-eye structure,CdZnTe,meta-material
The mid-infrared region (5-30 μm, 10-60 THz) corresponds to the fundamental vibration spectrum of molecules and has been widely studied for gas sensing application and infrared astronomy to understandthe formation and evolution of solid particles in space. We have fabricated a moth-eye structure on CdZnTe, which exhibits high transmittance in the 10-18 μm wavelength range. We have demonstrated the anti-reflection effect of the moth-eye structure by FT-IR measurement and 3D electromagnetic simulation. In this study, we show an enhancement in transmittance by depositing an Au film on top of a CdZnTe moth-eye structure through a 3D electromagnetic simulation.