Presentation Information
[19a-B203-5]Photonic band structure of terahertz bandpass filter using Babinet’s complementary double metal mesh structure
〇(B)Masahiro Ueda1, Riki Chin1, Koudai Iijima1, Kasumi Miyata1, Lisa Toyoshima1, Yoshinori Shohmitsu3, Toyoaki Suzuki2, Takehiko Wada4, Toshihiro Nakaoka1 (1.Sophia Univ., 2.ISAS/JAXA, 3.QUP/KEK, 4.NAOJ)
Band-pass filter,Metal mesh,Sub-wavelength structure
Astronomical observations in the far-infrared to submillimeter wavelength band (1 THz-10 THz)are essential for elucidating the formation of planetary systems and the origin of life. This research group has proposed a robust bandpass filter operating in the terahertz band with a Babinet-complementary metal mesh structure. A photonic band structure is a fundamental indicator for identifying and analysing optical modes. In this study, obtained photonic band structure from the incident angle dependence of the reflection spectrum has been compared with a three-dimensional electromagnetic field simulation.