Presentation Information

[19a-D902-1]Efficient detection of malathion pesticide by electrochemical biosensor utilizing biogenically derived copper oxide nanoparticles

〇(D)Kshitij RB Singh1, Shyam S. Pandey1 (1.LSSE, Kyutech)


Biosensors,Pesticide detection,Bioelectronics

The growing population demands for increased food supply that has led to the utilization of insecticides, pesticides, nematicides, acaricides, etc. for enhanced crop yield resulting in fatal environmental consequences by damaging soil and medical implications on animals and humans. To circumvent this issue, this study focuses on the biogenic synthesis of copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles (NPs) from Ficus religiosa stem latex and their utilization for the fabrication of the electrochemical biosensor for efficient detection of malathion pesticides Synthesis of the bioderived CuO NPs utilized in this work is a one-step process that does not require the use of any other hazardous chemical reagents as a reducer, stabilizer, or capping agent. Further, the as-synthesized NPs were utilized to fabricate the bioelectrode, for the electrochemical detection of Malathion. Then, the fabricated bioelectrode was investigated to determine the optimum working condition by utilizing cyclic voltammetry and it was found to have a good electrochemical response in pH 6 of 50 mM phosphate buffer saline (PBS; 0.9% NaCl) solution containing 5 mM [Fe(CN)6]3−/4−. After the determination of optimum working condition, the electrochemical sensing of malathion was recorded and it demonstrated linearity throughout a wide range of malathion concentrations (10-325 µM), with a low limit of detection of 96.64 nM, high michaelis menten enzyme kinetics (Km) of 33.02 µM, and a sensitivity of 0.388 µAµM-1cm-2. That led to the conclusion that this fabricated device (ChO/CuO NPs/ITO bioelectrode), can determine the very low concentration of malathion, with very good selectivity and sensitivity. Further, experiments related to the bioelectrodes, interference, stability, and reproducibility are ongoing and it will be discussed in the conference presentation, in detail.