Presentation Information

[19p-A306-15]Measurement of Scintillation Decay Time for Bi2O3-nanoparticle-loaded PLS Ⅱ

〇Shunji Kishimoto1, Akehiro Toda2 (1.KEK IMSS, 2.Tokyo Printing Ink)


plastic scintillator,bismuth nanoparticle,scintillation decay time

We have developed Bi2O3 nanoparticle-loaded plastic scintillators with high-weight ratio and have measured decay time constant of their scintillation light using SR-X-ray pulse. Detection of less than one scintillation photon per X-ray photon is important when considering the random time interval. We therefore recorded pulse-height spectra with resolving scintillation photon numbers in one X-ray photon detection using a cooled MPPC photodetector.