Presentation Information
[19p-A306-9]Radiation Transport Simulation of Neutron Dosimeter using Solar Cell with Converter Films
〇Yuji Kurimoto1, Tamotsu Okamoto1, Akito Iwasaki1, Ayuto Kobayashi1, Yasuki Okuno2, Tomohiro Kobayashi2 (1.NIT Kisarazu Col., 2.RIKEN)
neutron dosimeter,solar cell,converter film
A dosimeter consisting of an InGaP solar cell and a Gd2O3 converter film and a dosimeter consisting of the InGaP solar cell and a B4C converter film were fabricated. We irradiated these dosimeters with neutrons using the RIKEN accelerator-driven compact neutron source RANS. In spite that the former was predicted to be more sensitive than the latter, the opposite result was obtained. An analysis using Monte-Carlo simulation code PHITS revealed that in the former dosimeter, most of the charged particles (electrons) generated by the converter film pass through the solar cell and do not contribute to the output, whereas in the latter dosimeter, most of the charged particles (α particles + 7Li) are absorbed in the solar cell. This calculation can explain the above experimental result.