Presentation Information
[19p-A309-8]Preparation of Ti oxide nanoparticles by Electric Current Application in Electrolyte Solution
Takumi Komatsu1, Raito Terunuma1, Yuuki Kiwa1, Junpei Tsunoda1, Arata Kuninaga1, Shinichiro Ozawa2, 〇Yoichi Okamoto2 (1.Yokosuka Senior High School SSH, 2.NDA MSE)
nano dots,Ti oxides
We have discovered and reported a method for creating nanocrystals called the " Electric Current Application in Electrolyte Solution" method. In this method, electrode materials are precipitated as nanocrystals in electrolyte solution by direct current application of relatively low voltage, that is very simple, safe, and easy. The details of the mechanism have not yet been clarified, but the brief is that the electrode material is ionized by the electric current, then elutes into the electrolyte solution, and precipitates on the opposite electrode surface after losing its charge. We have reported the formation of nanocrystals of pure metals by combining aqueous solutions of inorganic acids such as Na2SiO3, Na2SO4, and NaOH with electrodes of Au, Cu, Ag, etc. This time, we focus on Ti, which has been impossible to produce nanoparticles, and report the formation of Ti oxide nanoparticles This time, we report the formation of Ti oxide nanoparticles, focusing on Ti, which was previously impossible to produce nanoparticles.