Presentation Information

[19p-A601-3]Scanning X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy using white SR

〇Akio Yoneyama1, Masahide Kawamoto1, Satoshi Takeya2, Midori Yasuda3 (1.SAGA LS, 2.AIST, 3.Nishikyushu Univ.)


scanning X-ray fluorescence microscope,fluorescence map

A novel scanning X-ray fluorescence microscopy using white synchrotron radiation has been constructed at SAGA Light Source. By introducing a new total-reflection mirror with a KB configuration of a designed incidence angle of 5 mrad, the central energy has been increased from 6 to 10 keV, and the sensitivity to heavy elements has been greatly improved. In the demonstration measurement, a focused beam of 1.3 microns was formed, and various fluorescence maps of plants were obtained successfully.