Presentation Information

[19p-B205-14]Processing of Cultured Animal Cells by Femtosecond Laser Ablation: Toward Development of Compact and Low-cost Processing System for Cell Biology

〇Kazunori Okano1,2, Kishima Koichiro2, Hosokawa Yoichiroh1 (1.NAIST, 2.Pinpoint Photonics)


animal cell processing,femtosecond laser,laser scratching

We have reported in single cell processing, manipulating and photoporating of exogenous ionic molecules such as fluorophore dextran with less thermal phenomena of the femtosecond laser. Although we have been developing a series of methodology coupled with femtosecond laser ablation, we are aware that femtosecond laser is difficult to spread widely such the methodologies in biology and medicine because of expensive, necessity of well-trained technicians and researches for optics. The economic and maintenance free system shall be perennially solved to be general methodology. One possibility is to use Q-switch nanosecond lasers that have recently progress, realizing economic, downsizing, and maintenance free system. Here we have a plan to evaluate the feasibility of nanosecond lasers in processing of animal cells, which have been achieved by femtosecond laser ablation. Before the feasibility test, we show progress of femtosecond laser-applied cell scratching and healing of the scratched area and photoporation to different animal cell spices.