Presentation Information

[19p-B205-6][JSAP-Optica Joint Symposia 2023 Invited Talk] The Visualization of Local Fluence Dependence in the Femtosecond Laser Processing of Dielectrics

〇Haruyuki Sakurai1 (1.The Univ. of Tokyo)


Laser Processing,Ablation,Microfabrication

In femtosecond laser ablation, the incident fluence is one of the most important parameters dictating the ablation process. Whereas a real processing beam has a spatially varying fluence distribution, many studies only characterize the process by the peak value. This approximation may lead to significant artifacts or hide finer dependencies. To move beyond this singular fluence approximation, we develop a new technique to correlate and visualize the whole local fluence dependence of a laser ablation experiment. We introduce the benefits of the technique for analyzing the femtosecond laser ablation phenomena in dielectrics.