Presentation Information
[19p-C501-15]Demonstration of magnetic compensation at room temperature in Mn4−xCuxN epitaxial films
〇(M1)Aoi Hatate1, Kenta Amemiya2, Kaoru Toko1, Takashi Suemasu1 (1.Univ. of Tsukuba, 2.KEK)
perpendicular magnetic anisotropy,XMCD,magnetic compensation
Mn4N-based thin films are expected as candidates for new domain wall motion devices due to their superior magnetic properties. For practical applications, higher efficiency of domain wall motion is necessary. This time, we succeeded in the growth of Cu-doped Mn4N epitaxial films by molecular beam epitaxy. Moreover, we confirmed their magnetic compensation, a phenomenon in domain wall motion efficiency exploding, occurred at a specific composition at room temperature. This demonstration is the key to significantly update the efficiency.