Presentation Information

[19p-D902-2][The 21st Molecular Electronics and Bioelectronics Division Encouragement Award Speech] Unprecedented Wavelength- and Vapor-Induced Output Dependence of
Sb-Chalcohalide/Chalcogenide Photovoltaic Device

〇Ryosuke Nishikubo1,2 (1.Osaka Univ., 2.ICS-OTRI Osaka Univ.)



In the conventional photovoltaic devices with p-n and p-i-n structures, the recognition of wavelength without color filter had not been achieved. In fact, Shockley diode model, which represents the output property of photovoltaic, generally dose not consider the influence of irradiated wavelength. However, the author’s group recently reported the novel wavelength-dependent photovoltaic device using antimony chalcogenide:chalcohalide, which shows reversible change of open circuit voltage (Voc) by changing irradiation wavelength. In addition, the wavelength-dependent response was significantly enhanced by introducing the polar solvent gas. The mechanism was also studied by using transient photovoltage, electron spin resonance (ESR), and device simulation. The detail of the device output and its mechanism will be discussed.