Presentation Information
[19p-P03-7]Preparation of optically active two-dimensional perovskite nanoparticles and evaluation of their circular polarization properties (III) -Control of optical properties by halogen species-
〇Shotaro Yamashita1, Masahiro Fujita1, Yuko Takeoka1, Masahiro Rikukawa1 (1.Sophia Univ.)
perovskite nano particle,optical activity,circular dichroism
Organic-inorganic quasi-two-dimensional (q-2D) perovskite compounds have attracted much attention as optical materials due to their excellent optical absorption and luminescence properties. In previous studies, we have successfully imparted circular polarization properties to bromide-based systems by introducing optically active amines. In this study, iodide-based q-2D perovskite nanoparticles were prepared, and their circular polarization properties were evaluated. The results of UV-vis absorption, fluorescence, and CD measurements indicated the formation of nanoparticles showing the Cotton effect and excellent red emission.