Presentation Information
[20a-A305-4]Computational-hardware hybrid methods for tissue deep imaging in Jones matrix polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography
〇(DC)Lida Zhu1, Shuichi Makita1, Junya Tamaoki2, Antonia Lichtenegger3, Yiqiang Zhu1, Makoto Kobayashi2, Yoshiaki Yasuno1 (1.Computational Optics Group, University of Tsukuba, 2.Department of Molecular and Developmental Biology, University of Tsukuba, 3.Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Medical University of Vienna)
PS-OCT,Multiple scattering,Computational refocusing
We developed computational-hardware-hybrid methods for deep imaging in polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT). The hybrid methods removes the trade-off between lateral resolution and depth-of-focus and reduced the multiple-scattering signal in deep regions. Experimental results on porcine muscle and medaka fish demonstrated improved resolution, visualization of fiber structures, and enhanced image contrast. The proposed methods have important implications for PS-OCT imaging of thick biological tissues, making it a more practical and powerful modality for tissue imaging.