Presentation Information

[20p-P07-22]Electrochemical Hydrogen Introduction into Hardened Steel and Evaluation of the Influence of Pre-Heat Treatment Conditions on Hydrogen Desorption Properties.

〇Taisei Ito1, Helmut Takahiro Uchida1, Akira Tonegawa1, Makoto Harada1,2 (1.Tokai Univ., 2.Tokai Inst. of Sci. and Teck.)


hydrogen embrittlement,steel,electrochemical hydrogen loading

In recent years, hardened steel materials have been widely used to reduce weight and cost. The effect of hydrogen embrittlement on the strength of hardened steels is also considered to be significant, and with the advent of a hydrogen society, the opportunities for the use of hardened steels in a hydrogen environment are likely to increase in the future. In order to accumulate basic data on the solid solution state of hydrogen for safe utilization, hydrogen was electrochemically introduced into hardened steels, and the hydrogen release characteristics were evaluated.