Presentation Information
[21a-A501-6]Influence of Anchoring Ligand on Single Colloidal PbS Quantum Dot-based Resonant Tunneling Transistor
〇(DC)Retno Dwi Wulandari1,2,3, Ricky Dwi Septianto2,3, Yoshihiro Iwasa2,4, Satria Zulkarnaen Bisri2,3, Yutaka Majima1 (1.Tokyo Inst. of Tech, 2.RIKEN CEMS, 3.Tokyo Univ. Agri & Tech, 4.Univ. of Tokyo)
single quantum dot transistor,resonant tunneling transistor,negative differential resistance
Here we demonstrate a resonant tunneling transistor (RTT) based on single lead sulfide (PbS) QD as a Coulomb island anchored by ligand molecules that are attached to the Au nanogap electrodes ). We are utilizing two different alkane dithiol ligands, such as 1,4-butanedithiol (BuDT) and 1,2-ethanedithiol (EDT) ligands. We develop nanogap electrodes by combining both electron beam lithography and electroless gold plating (ELGP) to create a robust platform for the single QD device. It enables us to tune the chemical potential of the PbS QD in and out of resonance with the given band energy. Consequently, we can clearly observe multiple regions of negative differential resistance (NDRs) in the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of PbS QD devices. In addition, these NDRs can be additionally tuned by the application of a gate electric field. Nowadays, NDR is among the key features that can be used in modern electronic and logic circuits, which are expected to play essential roles in quantum and neuromorphic electronics. This demonstration of single PbS-QD-based RTTs paves the way for the future development of solution-processable quantum electronic devices.