Presentation Information
[21a-C402-2]Fabrication of NV Center by Chamber Flame Synthesis
〇(B)Kazumi Abe1, Mayu Ueda1, Yudai Asano1, Syuntaro Usui1, Takashi Tanii1, Yuto Sato2, Sadao Takeuchi2, Hiroshi Kawarada1,3 (1.Waseda Univ., 2.Nippon Institute of Tech, 3.ZAIKEN)
NV center,diamond,chamber flame synthesis
We have synthesized highly concentrated nitrogen-doped diamond using a microwave plasma method and succeeded in fabricating the world's highest concentration NV ensemble, but it is necessary to investigate other vapor phase synthesis methods to create higher concentration NV centers. Therefore, we synthesized nitrogen-doped diamond by the chamber frame method and fabricated NV centers. The NV centers of the samples were evaluated by photoluminescence (PL) measurements, and it was shown that the chamber frame method is applicable to control the formation of NV centers.