Presentation Information
[21a-D903-3]Elusidation of compositional and underlayer-induced dependence of charge transport property in Br-rich widegap perovskite
〇Ryosuke Nishikubo1,2, Yieon Park1, Akinori Saeki1,2 (1.Osaka Univ., 2.ICS-OTRI Osaka Univ.)
perovskite,widegap,charge carrier dynamics
The film quality and charge carrier dynamics of lead halide perovskite (LHP) is diverse depending on the A- and X-site composition and underlayer. However, these comprehensive dependences are still unclear. In this study, from the aspect of crystallinity and charge carrier dynamics, various compositions (3 type A site composition × 3 type X site compositions = 9 compositions) with different under layers (mesoporous(mp)-TiO2 and PTAA/PFN-Br) were evaluated and compared. It was found that FAMACs-based 3 cation LHP showed marginally higher crystallinity and device performance by combining with mp-TiO2 than that on PTAA/PFN-Br. Whereas, FACs-based 2 cation LHP on PTAA/PFN-Br showed superior performance than that on TiO2. In addition, the inorganic additive showed further improve of charge carrier lifetime and thus, device performance. These comprehensive investigation offers important insight into the design of LHP compositions and device structures.