Presentation Information
[21a-P01-7]Exploring Ultra-broad Supercontinuum Generation Using Chalcogenide Fiber
〇(D)Protik Roy1, Partha Roy Chaudhuri1 (1.IIT Kharagpur)
Ultra-fast Hyperbolic Secant Pulse,Supercontinuum Generation,Generalized Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation
In this report, we demonstrate the Supercontinuum Generation (SCG) with ultra-broad wavelength bands of 2.1 µm and 2.2 µm. This investigation establishes that modifying the cross-section of fiber can enhance the flatness in the wavelength band caused by the nonlinearity in the medium, particularly with chalcogenide fiber. These findings suggest that carefully engineered chalcogenide fibers, with optimized dispersion and nonlinearity, hold great promise as efficient devices for generating broadband femtosecond infrared (IR) pulses while minimizing power consumption.