Presentation Information

[21p-B204-16]Evaluation of a superconducting nanostrip single photon detector for mid-infrared

〇Satoru Mima1, Fumihiro China1, Masahiro Yabuno1, Hirotaka Terai1, Shigehito Miki1,2 (1.NICT, 2.Kobe Univ.)


Superconductor,Superconducting nanostrip single photon detector (SNSPD),Superconducting detector

Superconducting nanostrip single photon detector (SNSPD) have attracted attention as detector with high detection efficiency in the mid-infrared wavelength region. A photon energy is smaller in the mid-infrared than in the near-infrared, so the detection sensitivity must be improved. In this study, we fabricated SNSPD consisting of thinner and narrower superconducting nanostrips than our previous SNSPD and evaluated the detection efficiency at wavelengths of 4.3 \micro m and 6.1 \micro m.