Presentation Information

[21p-P01-3]Behavior of Gas Flow and Plasma Characteristics of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet Applied External Electric Field

〇HIROMASA YAMADA1 (1.NIT, Nagano College)


Atmospheric pressure plasma jet,Schlieren Measurement,Plasma characteristics

The effect of plasma generation on gas flow, such as enhancement of turbulence, is caused by the action of charged particles accelerated by an electric field on neutral particles. The electric field acting on charged particles is spatially complex, and the understanding of the mechanism of the effect of plasma generation on the gas flow in the APPJ is not clarified. In this study, the effects of the electric field on the working gas flow and plasma characteristics of the APPJ are analyzed by applying an external electric field of constant direction and magnitude in space and time to the plasma in order to better understand the behavior of charged particles.