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[21p-P14-7]Photosynthetic functions of photosystem II substituted to iodine

〇(B)Yujiro Hama1, Mizuki Noai1, Miki Bandou(Uotani)2,3, Keisuke Kawakami4, Koji Yonekura4, Nobuo Kamiya5, Daisuke Kosumi6 (1.Facul. of Sci.Kumamoto Univ., 2.Div.of Tech., Kumamoto Univ., 3.Sch. of Grad.Std., Open Univ.of Jpn., 4.RIKEN,SPring-8, 5.,ReCAP,Osaka Metro. Univ, 6.IINa,Kumamoto Univ.)


Ultrafast spectroscopy,photosynthesis

Photosystem II is an essential protein complex driving a water splitting reaction by sunlight in oxygenic photosynthesis. Photosystem II is consisting of a number of proteins and cofactors, and it has been suggested that chloride ion plays important roles in water-splitting reaction. In this study, we performed on femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopic measurements on PSII substituted to iodine to clarify roles of iodine in photosynthetic function.