Presentation Information

[22a-A308-3]Slow-light modes with a large mode area in a valley photonic crystal waveguide with photonic graphene as the core region

〇(D)Chengkun Zhang1,2, Yasutomo Ota3, Satoshi Iwamoto1,2 (1.RCAST, 2.IIS, 3.Keio Univ.)


photonic crystal,slow light,waveguide

Photonic crystal (PhC)-based slow-light waveguides have been realized in various design configurations, including W1 waveguide and valley photonic crystal (VPhC) waveguide. The slow light modes in these waveguides are highly localized along the interface, which would restrict energy transport capacity. In a recently proposed photonic valley-locked waveguide (PVLW), topological guided modes can distribute broadly over a photonic graphene layer inserted between two VPhCs as the core region. In this report, we demonstrate that such a PVLW can support topological slow-light modes when a slight structural modulation is introduced.