Presentation Information
[22a-A310-4]Quantum-enhanced stimulated Raman scattering imaging in dual-polarization scheme
〇Zicong Xu1, Kenichi Oguchi1, Sho Nitanai1, Yoshitaka Taguchi1, Yuki Sano1, Yasuyuki Ozeki1 (1.Univ. of Tokyo)
pulsed squeezing,polarization-resolved stimulated Raman scattering,quantum enhancement
In this report, we present dual-polarization quantum-enhanced stimulated Raman scattering (QESRS) microsocpy that can be operated in a high-power regime (14 mW). We demonstrate the feasibility of achieving sub-shot-noise sensitivity in two polarization channels while achieving a moderate level of noise reduction (0.5 dB). This method shows promise for applications in other quantum-enhanced and polarization-resolved measurements as well.