Presentation Information
[22a-B203-10]Impact of the radiative heat loss on the evaluation of thermoelectric modules
〇Yasutaka Amagai1, Kenjiro Okawa1, Ryoji Funahashi1, Michihiro Ohta1, Atsushi Yamamoto1 (1.AIST)
Thermoelectric effect,Thermoelectric module,Conversion efficiency
Different systems often shows large differences that are likely caused by uncertain heat loss and thermal resistance. This was highlighted in a recent international comparison. We have investigated the radiative heat transfer from the surface of the legs of thermoelectric generator with a custom-made apparatus, being capable of in-situ comparative measurement of input and output heat flow. The difference of the heat flow between output and input heat flow will be equivalent with the radiative heat loss from the surface of thermoelectric legs.The thermal shield, the thermal impedance of which is optimized, is employed to avoid the heat loss from the surface of the module. We will discuss the cause of the measurement variation of the heat flow, based on systamatic data obtained from the apparatus, and sugges how to improve it.