Presentation Information

[22a-B205-9]Atomic Groove Epitaxy of Linear Dye Molecules on an Uniaxially Aligned Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) Surface and their End Alkyl Chains

〇Toshihiko Tanaka1,2,3,4, Masamitsu Ishitobi4, Tetsuya Aoyama2, Atsuya Muranaka2, Hirohito Umezawa3, Yasuhiro F. Miura1, Yutaka Yamagata2, Masanobu Uchiyama2 (1.Hamamatsu USM, 2.Riken, 3.NIT Fukushima Coll., 4.ASET SC Lab.)


orientation,poly(tetrafluoroethylene),azo dye

Based on the correlation between MD simulations and experimental results, we analyzed the effect of the end alkyl chain in linear bisazo dye molecules upon the uniaxial orientational degree (S) of their oriented thin films deposited on aligned PTFE layers. Medium end chains such as n-butyl bring about high S and we have just clarified the molecular mechanism for that.