Presentation Information

[22a-C401-1]Structural analysis of ZrO2-doped soda-lime glass using high-throughput micro-glass melting system

〇Tetsuo Kishi1, Teppei Osawa1, Kana Tomita1, Tetsuji Yano1 (1.Tokyo Tech.)


Oxide glass,Raman spectroscopy,Principle component analysis

The correlation between ZrO2 content and glass structure was investigated by performing principal component analysis on Raman and X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectra. 100 soda-lime glass samples with different ZrO2 contents were formed on a single substrate using a high-throughput micro glass melting system. Multivariate analysis of spectra obtained from multiple samples with continuously varying glass compositions revealed nonlinear changes in the network structure with the composition.