Presentation Information

[22a-C401-8]Calculations of dielectric constants of silicate glasses from chemical compositions

〇Yasushi Takeuchi1, Shota Saeda1, Shota Seki1, Masaki Takaishi1 (1.AIxtal Co.)


silicate glasses,dielectric constants,dielectric polarizability

The dielectric constants and dielectric polarizabilities of silicate glasses are calculated from chemical compositions. The dielectric constant is, in general, related to the dielectric polarizability by Clausius-Mosotti equation, and the dielectric polarizability of a material is equal to the sum of dielectric polarizabilities of constituent ions. Whilst the dielectric polarizabilities of ions in crystalline lattices are already given in previous studies, we explore their corrections to obtain dielectric polarizabilities in glassy state, and we thereby establish a method for calculations of the dielectric constants and dielectric polarizabilities of silicate glasses.