Presentation Information
[22a-D903-5]In-silico crystallization (3): Similarities between pitched pi-stacking and inclined brickwork structures and their simulation based on brickwork structures
〇Kirill Dmitrievich Bulgarevich1, Kazuo Takimiya1,2,3 (1.RIKEN, 2.Tohoku Univ., 3.Tohoku Univ. AIMR)
In-silico crystallization,Brickwork structure,Pitched pi-stacking structure
In organic semiconductor crystals, structures facilitating efficient pi-pi overlap hold promise for achieving high mobility. We have developed an original "in-silico crystallization" (ISC) algorithm for simulating the general brickwork structure and its similar variants. In this study, we daringly simulated the crystal structure of methylchalcogeno BDT, known to adopt a pitched pi-stacking structure, as a brickwork configuration. We confirmed that this simulation could reproduce the positional relationships of the pi-stacked molecules observed in the actual structure. We thus demonstrate that ISC could be expanded to simulating the pitched pi-stacking structures.