Presentation Information

[22a-P01-23]Numerical Simulation of Excitation Current Density and Distance Dependence on Local Magnetization Dynamics Excited by Spin-Orbit Torque

〇Ao Nakagawa1, Sho Muroga2, Takayuki Ishibashi3, Yasushi Endo2, Tetsunori Koda1 (1.NIT, Oshima Col., 2.Tohoku Univ., 3.Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.)


spin wave,magnetization dynamics,micromagnetics

Magnetization precession motion in local area in magnetic film propagates to surroundings. It is called as a spin wave, which is expected to application of a new computing using its interference effects. An excitation method of spin waves is Spin-Orbit Torque (SOT). It is occurred when the direct current is applied to non-magnetic metal / magnetic metal. In this presentation, we report results on numerical simulation of excitation current density and distance dependence on local magnetization dynamics excited by SOT.