Presentation Information
[22a-P01-25]Observation of Current-Induced Torque from Orbital Current
〇Hiroki Hayashi1,2, Kazuya Ando1,2,3 (1.Keio Univ., 2.KiPAS, 3.Keio CSRN)
Current-induced torque,Orbital current,Spin current
The objective of our study was to observe the current-induced torques, known as orbital torques, resulting from the orbital Hall effect in ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic (FM/NM) metal heterostructures. We chose Titanium (Ti) as the nonmagnetic metal due to its small spin Hall effect. Additionally, the magnitude of the orbital torque is influenced by the strength of the spin-orbit correlation in the ferromagnet. To investigate this effect, we employed Nickel (Ni) and Permalloy (Ni81Fe19). In our presentation, we will discuss the results regarding the generation of orbital current in light metals, as well as the induced orbital torque in ferromagnets.