Presentation Information

[22a-P01-29]The emergence of magneto-inductance effect in Ni45Fe55 thin films on glass substrates

〇Zijing Zhang1, Yu Matsushima1, Tsunagu Hatakeyama1, Riko Iimori1, Mizuki Matsuzaka1, Hideo Kaiju1,2 (1.Keio Univ., 2.CSRN, Keio Univ.)


Magneto-inductance,magnetic thin film,spin motive force

We fabricate Ni45Fe55 thin films on glass substrates by using thermal evaporation and investigate the magnetic and magneto-inductance properties. Focused magneto-optical Kerr effect results indicate that the thin film is magnetically soft. In the Ni45Fe55 thin films on glass substrates, we have successfully observed the magneto-inductance (ML) effect at room temperature. The emergent inductance effect could be explained by the spin motive force originating from the domain wall motion under a stepwise external magnetic field.