Presentation Information

[22a-P01-30]Systematic study of parallel parametric amplification and de-amplification of magnetization dynamics in magnetic thin disk

〇(D)Geil Emdi1, Tomosato Hioki1,2, Eiji Saitoh1,2,3,4 (1.Dept. Appl. Phys.,Univ. Tokyo, 2.AIMR Tohoku Univ., 3.Inst. AI and Beyond, Univ. Tokyo, 4.JAEA)



Parametric excitation is a non-linear process that has been observed in the past decades over a vast range of physical systems, from optical modes to magnonic systems . Their implementations in the development of novel computing devices have led to the renewed interest in the observation and understanding of this parametric effect across different fields. Magnon-based computers have been one of the promising candidates owing to the significant non-linearity in magnons . In this approach, the logic values are encoded into phase of the magnetization . Hence, a phase-selective amplification would be necessary in its integration into an extended computing network. Degenerate parametric amplifier, being a phase-sensitive amplifier, is therefore a of high important to be systematically investigated in magnetic system.
In this presentation, we report the systematic investigation of parametric amplification of magnetization dynamics in YIG thin disk via electrical measurement. We studied the phase-dependence signature of parametric amplifier: the amplification of the input signal in one input signal phase and the de-amplification at the orthogonal quadrature phase. This phase-sensitivity can be attributed to the constructive and destructive interferences between the signal and idler fields. Furthermore, the gain dependence on the pump power and static magnetic field has also been evaluated.