Presentation Information

[22p-A310-8]Control of Dressed-Photon Localization and Dissipation Mediated by Geometrical Arrangement of Matter Systems

〇Suguru Sangu1, Hayato Saigo2, Motoichi Ohtsu3 (1.Ricoh Co., Ltd., 2.Nagahama Inst. Bio-Sci. Tech., 3.Res. Origin Dressed Photon)


dressed photon,localization,dissipation

Focusing on the relationship between the change in the number of dressed photons excited in a matter system and the asymmetry due to the geometrical arrangement of the matter system, the acceleration and deceleration of the relaxation dynamics of dressed photons are discussed by means of numerical simulations. When the number of dressed photons in the matter system becomes appropriate, the presence of allowed and forbidden states of optical transition causes differences in the relaxation rate. The geometrical arrangement operates as a factor controlling differences in the relaxation rate.