Presentation Information

[22p-A602-5]ASOPS-THz-TDS based on free-running Ti:Sapphire lasers

〇Mayuri Nakagawa1, Natsuki Kanda1,2, Hidekazu Nakamae1, Toshio Otsu1, Isao Ito1, Hidefumi Akiyama1, Yohei Kobayashi1, Ryusuke Matsunaga1 (1.ISSP, The Univ. of Tokyo, 2.RAP, RIKEN)


Asynchronous Optical Sampling,frequency comb,terahertz

Asynchronous optical sampling (ASOPS) terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) realizes high frequency resolution measurement with high scan rate. However, the timing jitter between two pulsed lasers distorts data and could cancel out the THz-waveform among the accumulation; thus sophisticated techniques such as feedback control has been required. In this work, we demonstrate easier ASOPS THz-TDS with free-running Ti:Sapphire lasers using the software jitter correction method that we recently developed. The detection bandwidth and efficiency at a few THz region was significantly improved than our previous result with Yb-based fiber lasers, owing to the narrower pulse width and well-established elements for THz generation and detection. We also improved the robustness to environmental fluctuations. The successful jitter correction using commercially available Ti:Sapphire lasers allows us to have a wide selection of light sources for designing high-resolution high-scan rate THz-TDS.