Presentation Information
[22p-D902-2]Low-Powered RISC-V Processing Core for Optically-Powered IoT and Biomedical Devices
〇(D)Panithan Srisinsuphya1, Yasufumi Yokoshiki1, Takashi Tokuda1 (1.Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
With the increasing demand for compact and energy-efficient computing solutions, particularly in emerging fields such as IoT and biotechnology, addressing the challenges of reusability, size and energy consumption in modern computing systems has become crucial. In this paper we utilize RISC-V for the creation of a low powered, microdevice prototype that would be able to serve as a platform to connect and test sensors and programs for various applications. The resulting device has a size of approximately 910 x 910 μm2 and when operating at 10MHz it consumes 0.7mW when operating a simple LED program.