Presentation Information
[23a-A201-10]Magnetic field direction-based switching of magnon parametric oscillation
〇(M2)Sohei Horibe1, Hiroki Shimizu1, Koujiro Hoshi1,2, Takahiko Makiuchi1,3, Tomosato Hioki1,4, Eiji Saitoh1,2,3,4,5 (1.Dept. of App. Phys., Univ. of Tokyo, 2.BAI, Univ. of Tokyo, 3.QPEC, Univ. of Tokyo, 4.Tohoku Univ., 5.JAEA)
magnon,nonreciprocity,spin waves
Parametric excitation is a nonlinear process where the resonance frequency of an oscillator is modulated by 2f frequency, exciting a 1f oscillation. In magnon parametrons, magnons (spin-wave quasiparticles) in magnets can be excited by a microwave magnetic field applied parallel to an external field. Surface spin waves are known to have nonreciprocity, so it is expected that exciting such modes in magnon parametrons can lead to field-direction dependent parametric oscillation.
To this end, we microfabricated a YIG|Pt film grown on a Gd3Ga5O12 substrate into a disk and placed it onto a coplanar waveguide. The sample partially stuck out of the waveguide edge for nonuniform excitation.
In the presentation, we are reporting that the parametric excitation threshold significantly changes by field direction reversal, which was electrically detected. This originates from surface spin wave excitation and microwave field nonuniformity, which is verified by micromagnetic numerical simulation.
To this end, we microfabricated a YIG|Pt film grown on a Gd3Ga5O12 substrate into a disk and placed it onto a coplanar waveguide. The sample partially stuck out of the waveguide edge for nonuniform excitation.
In the presentation, we are reporting that the parametric excitation threshold significantly changes by field direction reversal, which was electrically detected. This originates from surface spin wave excitation and microwave field nonuniformity, which is verified by micromagnetic numerical simulation.